Synthetic & Real Human Hair Pieces & Extensions

How to wear a drawstring hair extension piece

 Step By Step - How to wear a drawstring hair piece
cinderella-drawstring how to wear a drawstring step 1 how to wear a drawstring step 1
how to wear a drawstring step 1
how to wear a drawstring step 2
how to wear a drawstring step 1
how to wear a drawstring step 1 how to wear a drawstring step 2 how to wear a drawstring step 3
how to wear a drawstring step 2 how to wear a drawstring step 2
how to wear a drawstring step 2
how to wear a drawstring step 1 how to wear a drawstring step 3 how to wear a drawstring step 3
how to wear a drawstring step 3
how to wear a drawstring step 4
how to wear a drawstring step 4
how to wear a drawstring step 4 how to wear a drawstring step 4 how to wear a drawstring step 4 how to wear a drawstring step 4
how to wear a drawstring step 4





Loosen the drawstring hair piece    


 Style your own hair into a bun and place the hair piece over your bun and secure the top and bottom combs


Pull the pull cord of the drawstring which tightens the piece.


 Quick-N-Easy elegant styles in 60 seconds flat.